Building Retirement CERTAINTY In an Uncertain World

Simply put, we help our clients find Retirement Peace of Mind by ensuring our clients cannot outlive their money and have protection from market losses.

Retirement Planning With Purpose

Sunny Skies Ahead

We have helped our clients achieve retirement peace of mind through income & preservation strategies built on guarantees. The reality is, we do not work with everyone. Some see the value & importance of guaranteed retirement income sources and guaranteed asset protection from market losses, while others do not. And that is OK.
— Gary Squier

Retirement Income Guarantees

Retirement Income will be the most important element of your retirement.  How successful your retirement is, has nothing to do with how many assets you have accumulated but rather on how well you can create income to fuel your retirement. 


The type of fuel and the amount of fuel you run your retirement on is critical. Most people spend very little time understanding and planning their retirement income strategies.  Yet, without the proper fuel or right amount of fuel, your desired retirement lifestyle will be anything but certain, or worse falling short on assets. 

Whether you have a plan or end up in the default option (4% Rule), these strategies are outdated and don’t effectively meet the current financial climate. They are still structured with positions in volatility and depending on status-quo situations in the unknown future. They are established by software simulations & projections; guessing! As Morningstar Investment Management’s report of 2013 “Low Bond Yields and Safe Portfolio Withdrawal Rates” concludes today’s financial climate gives your 4% Withdrawal strategy only a 50% certainty of your assets surviving 30 years.

“significant reduction in 4% withdrawal rate having approximately a 50% probability of success” - 2013 Morningstar report

50% Income Certainty Is NOT Retirement Certainty


Your income strategy should be set up in a proper way to help minimize tax implications and meet the requirements of “predictability”, “longevity” and “efficiency”. Each of which is required to get the most out of your Income Planning and create Retirement Peace of Mind.  


At Squier Retirement Services, we help our clients meet these objectives by establishing guaranteed income streams.    

Retirement Asset Guarantees

Chances are, you are like most of our clients who have worked extremely hard and made sacrifices to acquire the assets and wealth that you have. 


Recognizing where you are in life, means having the understanding to begin looking at our assets and making decisions about them differently than when we were younger and in our career jobs.


Decisions about true diversification & outdated 60/40 portfolio, risk vs reward, asset goals & ambitions, advisory fees & limitations, principal protection or lack of, growth and recoveries, software projections vs guarantees, etc. become more of a concern (into focus) because we understand there are no do-overs in retirement. 

 Will You Have

Enough Time To Recover

Another Market Sell-off?

Retirement preservation is all about recognizing how many of my assets I am not willing to lose.  Then establishing proper strategies that provide true guarantees, not projections or historical performances, which cannot offer guarantees. 


Of course, within these approaches are the ability for your assets to grow with real gains, not unrealized gains that can be lost.  


At Squier Retirement Services, we help our clients meet these objectives by establishing guaranteed principle protection and advantaged growth opportunities.

 Helping pre-retirees & retirees in the Preservation & Distribution phase of their lives through education, guidance & solutions that can provide Guarantees.

 If having guarantees in your income planning appeals to you?

Then We Should Talk

If you prefer the upside market potential without the downside of market losses?

Then We Should Talk

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I look forward to the conversation.

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